10 Common eCommerce Website Design Mistakes
February 14, 2022
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March 21, 2022

Brand awareness defines how your target customers or visitors remember your brand. It’s a mind-game of how easily people recognise a brand when they hear a unique branding tagline, see a brand’s logo or long-time brand ambassadors.

How do you build brand awareness, especially if you’re an entrepreneur with a new startup company? People (except your friends & family) aren’t gonna hear about your brand or set the brand’s name, logo in their mind until you reach them and set your brand presence inside their mind with a good impression. You need to run through a brand awareness campaign to build this good impression.

Today, we’ll talk about what a brand awareness campaign is, why they matter to gather customers’ trust, and how you can build your successful brand awareness campaign. Some key performance indicators will be mentioned at the end to measure your campaign result.

What is a Brand Awareness Campaign?

brand awareness campaign
Build the BEST Brand Awareness Campaign

A brand awareness campaign means an online or offline campaign to improve brand recognition in your target customer’s mind. A few more words – you wanna make sure your customers have a good impression of your brand or try to promote your Unique Selling Point and other things that highlight your business from the competition.  

Now, brand awareness examples? To be honest, every business runs strategies for brand awareness, whether it’s just a startup and marketing with Facebook for branding or trying to rebrand an old company; a brand awareness campaign gives a good result in both cases.     

Why Should You Create a Brand Awareness Campaign? 

A branding campaign will help to build trust with your target audience. Why does this matter? Remember, people choose products from a market on 2 different factors. The first one is Price, and then comes Brand, which means if you’ve done proper branding of the product, they’re probably buying your product from the market.

Trust makes them your brand ambassador too. Your happy customers will recommend your product to their friends and family, which brings you more customers in the future. With that, your customer acquisition & awareness campaign cost gets lower.

How to Build a Proper Brand Awareness Campaign

Let’s come to the main topic, that’s how to increase brand awareness with a campaign. It’s really simple if you follow these 11 steps

1. Find your target customers

First, you need to identify which people you’re targeting. In the beginning, you probably have a little audience, these might be your customers or social media followers They’re already affected by your branding design. Do a customer research here, what they have in common, what matters to them, and how your products can help them. 

Then go for market research. Find your competitors. Probably your target audience also shops from your competitors. Analyse these results and build a profile of your ideal customers in your mind map.

2. Maintain a spreadsheet across your whole campaign

After completing research, you wanna create an excel sheet that should include

  • goals to achieve from your campaign
  • long-time plans for your brand from this campaign
  • brand awareness strategies you will use (PPC ads, email marketing, influencer marketing, etc)
  • key performance indicators

Without proper planning, your branding strategy falls a risk. Every successful online marketing strategy begins with a campaign plan. Why not spend a day on that?

3. Focus on High-engaging Platforms

You found your target audience. Now you also need to find where do your potential customers spend time so your brand awareness campaign runs perfectly. Are they watching videos on YouTube, or posting pics on Instagram? Again, this stacks audience research and identifies where your branding quotes will make the most impact. 

It’s better to choose two different platforms as a branding zone. For example, choose Instagram, create attractive squared posts, and catchy stories. Add YouTube with that, make landscape videos with branding guidelines, and follow actionable YouTube SEO steps to get the best result.

More willingly than spreading your energy around all social media platforms, focus on the ones your target customers use most. If you want the best social media service for your brand, Star-media can handle your social media management. Make sure to give a visit to our service page.

4. Increase Online Activity

Audience engagement can be countable as an increase in brand awareness in today’s competitive world. How to increase brand awareness on social media? Let’s divide your online communication into two ways.

Firstly, following the brand awareness campaigns, create regular content. You should post one content daily on your social media, better if you can gradually increase this number. A branding mockup will bring more brand awareness. It’s better to hire a professional graphics designer for the best results.

While you’re trying to build your brand’s presence online, you also wanna set your branding identity as a responsive company for your customers. So buildup communication along with your awareness campaigns. Answer those emails in customer support, or reply to comments on Facebook or YouTube. These make customers loyal.

5. Highlight Your Brand Personality 

brand personality elements
elements of a brand personality

The only desired result of a brand awareness campaign is to make people set your branding elements in their minds. So highlight your brand’s personality each time you do some branding work. Such as, you can maintain a humourous tone in your texts or images, or play some 2D animation in every video’s intro, etc. In short, take every section as a chance for brand awareness marketing.

Remember, your business is unique, so use your branding campaign to stand out from competitors.

6. Focus on Customer Experience

Among some of the same products on market, customers will only choose your one if you’re able to give them a better experience.

A surprising fact, companies that are building the best UX design, are up to 60 percent more profitable than others. Because a good experience can encourage a customer to spend 17% more.

So, a brand awareness campaign shouldn’t just be about branding worldwide. It should be about showing customers how you can help them. And if you’re not sure about your current user experience, you should have an option for customers to leave reviews. It’s a great way to improve service. But don’t ignore those negative reviews, they’re your greatest source of learning. You’re maybe doing some common mistakes in your e-commerce web design, and you can’t fix them until someone tells you about them.

In short, take customer feedback as branding equipment to show customers that you care about their feedback. They’ll spend more, or come to your website again for a better shopping experience

7. Collaborate with Other Brands

A brand collaboration means working with a complementary brand to expand your audience reach, and therefore create awareness of your brand to those new people.

The most important rule is you shouldn’t choose a direct competitor, rather a company with a similar target audience, but not for a similar purpose. 

Think about Alan Walker & PUBG Mobile partnership. Their target audience is the same – the young generation! But think about the purpose. Is that still the same?

Both are producing cool things. One is awesome EDMs, and the other one is a fantastic mobile game.  

Now, where’s the profit? Probably a PUBGM player is listening to Alan Walker’s music now, or an Alan Walker fan is more likely to play PUBGM now – which is the exact branding benefit we’re looking for in a brand awareness campaign built between two companies.

8. Introduce Affiliation Programs

Do you know, your posters, online or offline campaigns, official brand ambassadors are bringing half of your brand awareness in marketing. The rest half the brand awareness is created by referral of friends or family. Your previous happy customers will also work as your ambassador and this effectiveness of referral programs will last long. 

You’ll see the effect in your day-to-day life. Even tomorrow, one of your friends may suggest you buy a book. Besides those, Dropbox played a worthy enough brand awareness strategy back in 2008 which helped them to become an industry giant.

Dropbox introduced a refer-a-friend feature in 2008. They grew their customer base by 3900%. That’s not a typo! This immense growth didn’t just come from the affiliation program – they also improved their product and continued outstanding customer experience in the meantime – but it certainly did help.

So you need to know the secret of building brand awareness through your existing customer base all along. You may give an offer like, if someone brings a customer by affiliate marketing, he/she will get a 10% commission of that sale. Or, one affiliation will give that referrer a massive 50% discount for his next purchase (that may sound big, anyway!)

Affiliation programs to boost brand awareness aren’t just for the old competitors. Many startups can promote their products and services with the same strategy. And it’s a great way to create awareness more cheaply. Before starting this, make sure to optimise your landing page for those new potential customers. And for the best profit for both customers & your business, you should also consult a branding agency.

9. Invest in Influencer Marketing

As we discussed in the previous point, people love getting recommendations from other people, generally from friends & family. But it becomes special when they get this from one of their favourite people. We’re talking about influencers – they’re one of the easiest ways to promote your brand to a relevant audience.

You’re thinking that big influencers will bring you a better result, but micro-influencers can be more effective for you. It all comes down to the margin you have on your product and how strongly influencers affect their audiences’ buying decisions. Such as, if you’re selling technical courses, that doesn’t mean you need to go for the biggest tech influencer. You can go to teachers or even entertainers who got good reach on a smart & young audience base. That’s your actual target customer.

As they maintain your branding style guides, you’re looking for something in return to them. Influencers’ first choice is sponsorship. But if they agree on starting an affiliate program, it’ll also help you directly measure the effectiveness of influencer marketing for your business.

10. Don’t forget about Traditional Marketing

traditional and digital marketing
Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

While we think that people spend their whole day looking at screens, marketing is also running in the outside world. Let’s go back to 80s branding and spend a bit on offline marketing. 

Research on digital marketing vs traditional marketing will surely prioritise digital. But still, a billboard in relevant places could be a refreshing way to get your name out there. Or some flyers will introduce your brand to a little number of people in an area.

11. KPIs to Measure Results

How do you know if your branding ideas are working? Well, you can’t unless you set some criteria for measuring your success. 

The metrics you measure vary depending on the marketing strategy used. For example, if you run a campaign on Twitter, track things like the number of impressions, shared tweets, and hashtag mentions. When you’re uploading videos on YouTube, along with those views & subscribers, check your audience retention graph and Impression CTR. If you decide to run paid ads, you could use Google Analytics to track your CTR and conversions. While doing these, make sure to add your business to Google My Business.

Are you even thinking to measure your offline brand campaign results? Include a short & easy-to-remember link on your offline marketing material and create a dedicated landing page to see how much it pays off. 

Successful Brand Awareness Campaign Examples

OK, so that’s how you can create a brand awareness campaign. Now, let’s talk about a company that nailed its awareness campaign.     

#TeamSeas: $1 to remove a Pound of Trash from the seas

You all know Mr Beast? He’s a YouTuber with more than 90 million subscribers. Along with hundred more creators, he took the initiative to clean the seas. The deal was like this: if someone donates $1 to Team Seas, the team will clear up 1 pound of trash from the seas. The money will be used for volunteers’ payment & trash cleaner robots.

brand awareness campaign example
Successful brand awareness campaign example

To start it, he created a video of cleaning 60,000 pounds of trash back in October 2021. And that worked great. At this moment, more than 30 million pounds of trash has been cleaned up by Team Seas

Brand Awareness Campaign Conclusion

A brand awareness campaign allows you to shape how potential customers perceive your company. With the right campaign, you can directly influence what people think when they hear your brand’s name, and you can ensure that customers remember your name for the right reasons! it is the backbone of a successful marketing strategy, and it’s easy if you follow these steps with proper time management.

Which strategies did you try for your brand awareness campaign?
Let us know in the comments and share it with your campaign management team.